Wednesday, July 29, 2009


An interesting pattern... After a week of lonely boredom in my house, starting with Monday this week turned eventful and somewhat exciting.

It all started with the previously mentioned get-together. We had a pleasantly lazy time. I had the chance to sample a macaroni with something rather suspicious poured as a sauce on it. It didn't taste particularly well. We then spent the rest of the day lazing around until the evening, when the PlayStation 3 borrowed from our host's friend arrived. Then we pretty much watched movies 'til everyone was falling asleep and called it a night. The following morning, we prepared and ate a breakfast, then left to our homes.

Save for two of my friends, apparently. So the next night was spent at one of my closest friends' house, or more precisely - a little, tiny tower hut. It was even lazier than the first meeting, and one of our friends (who's a girl) had to leave due to a misunderstanding and following quarrel with her parents.

This is something I'll stop at for a brief moment. It's a somewhat sad thing. There were three of us - me (18 years old), the host (15) and the girl (13). We heard and were told that one of the arguments against her staying was that she might get abused or raped by us.
We know her for a year, we've met many times, we trust each other... and yet her parents paranoically reached towards this. Regardless of whether it was an excuse or argument, I told her to say this: We didn't like being considered irresponsible persons and potential rapists.

In any case, we split ways the following morning...

It was all such a lazy, drifting experience. We didn't really do any exciting or zany things, so to say. We just... spent time together, in both cases. It was pleasant. I probably didn't entertain myself as much as I would at home, but the others made up for it. It was a little boring, I'd say, but a lot better than being alone.

And it was the first time for me to spend more than one night in a row sleeping somewhere else than my own home or any organized trip.

Such normal, plain, ordinary things... I still don't know the extent, the depth and possibilities in a world of social interaction. I am still somewhat cynical towards this kind of life, this simple, banal way of existing. I can only see and understand the point while I'm still in the experience. Even though it's been two years or so already...

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