Saturday, January 23, 2010


why are you drifting here my friend
why are you letting yourself sink
have the demons gotten to you
have you lost the will to swim
come back to the shore with us

they are grasping my feet
choking my breath closing my eyes
I can't see the shore anymore
perhaps this is where I belong

you must not stay here
the demons are mere lies
why would you let them hold you
we will lift you out
do not let yourself sink

and then I found my strength again
the shore came into sight
the weight became lighter
my hand broke the surface
and plowed the water

Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm a fairly creative person. My problem with this, however, is that I'm not very skilled at putting whatever visions or ideas I get into a form. I can't draw particularly well, my guitar skills have barely started to develop. What remains for me is writing. There are probably a few people who'd say I can write and operate words fairly well, though my Polish teacher would most likely strongly disagree...

Since a long time, I've engaged in a habit that started... well, I'm not sure when exactly. I write short pieces of something that vaguely resembles poetry - trying to give my feelings, thoughts and visions a form in words, more compelling than a mere dry relation.

I've already posted a piece of what I write here, but it was under different circumstances...

So I'm going to try and post some of the things I write in school and see if I can keep that up along with regular posts. This post will have two bits of poetry in it.


close your eyes you don't have to see
close your heart you don't have to feel
close your mind you don't have to think
close yourself you don't have to be
let us take your hand and lead you astray
think, feel and see for you
feed you automated lies
let us have our way
we will make you comfortable and safe
from dangerous truths


you have awoken
eyes staring wide
you have finally seen
and you saw everything
crash into oceans to drown
a falling, burning bridge
tall spires and towers
everything came down
and you stood and stared
far too late to stop it
far too late to see it begin
now the sun is setting
but you haven't closed your eyes yet
pray that you never will

Friday, January 1, 2010


An old year has died.

A full cycle of death and rebirth has completed to give way to a new one.

Normally, a new year is a time of resolutions that people settle on, goals to achieve...
Meaningless statements that lose their worth within up to a month, broken before they start meaning anything.

From year to year, I've never arrived at any resolution for each new year. I never really bothered. If you should arrive at a firm resolution for something, you don't need a specific time for it. Any time is good. Any day is good. Whatever works to align your will and set it in stone. If you let yourself be pressured into a resolution, it will lead you only to failure.

I have a lifelong resolution, however. A sort of motto. It's not hard to guess from this blog, I think.
Create something, preferably something positive.
Move forward in spite of everything.

A new year is a good way to remind myself of this. After all, a new year is another blank slate that we write upon.
(Though, personally, I feel that my life is chaptered differently, not in years - but in phases of life.)

I'm not a Star Trek geek, but there's a line from the show, which I believe is Spock's, which is a motto I really like...

Live long and prosper.