Saturday, July 23, 2011

buyer's mixup dream

Some dreams make for mildly amusing stories. This one felt like a rather subtle advertisement...

I was browsing stores with video games in the nearby Centrum Janki mall, starting from the local Empik. I considered for a while a Command & Conquer complete set of games, then decided against it. I kept peering around, then I went to the Real supermarket to see what games are there. Strangely, in the dream the available games spanned a wide range including really old titles (I recall seeing Fallout 1 and the Quake series). I eventually settled on buying Fallout 3, but somehow never actually did...

The dream skipped forward to when I was at home. I think I had asked Dad and Mom to pick the game up, they went with me and it turned out Dad chose something completely different - which I only learned of at home. I was very unhappy with this. I stormed off to ask the store's customer service for a swap. They were unwilling to make the trade, they listed complex conditions under which they would agree.

This concluded the dream on the note that I would have to spend more money to get Fallout 3 and make up for the mistake. The regret lasted until I woke and realized I had dreamt of all that - the thought brought me considerable relief.

I guess my subconscious is advertising Fallout to me for some reason...

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