Monday, September 7, 2009

keep talking

Trivial matters surround me.
People wish to talk to me about things completely mundane, meaningless movements in life that hardly even matter to anyone but themselves.

I've always had a problem with small talk.

I find it incredibly difficult to bang on about trivial matters. I always have the same feeling in the back of my head as when I listen to them - that nobody really wants to hear about my exciting body clock trials and tribulations or the dinner I had in Ikea with my mom yesterday. Of course I can talk about trivial things, I can even blog about them if I really have nothing better to say. But I try to avoid that.

Therefore, I highly value people I can actually hold a meaningful or entertaining discussion with. I don't really demand top notch philosophy - we can be throwing dick jokes around and as long as I'm entertained, that's alright. Insightful discussions are definitely a favorite, though, and really not easy to come across.
Discussions about important topics always receive my full interest and intellectual engagement if it's a topic I am interested in (I usually just stare and listen if it's politics, I am far too uncultured for that).

Still, small talk is an unfortunate but fundamental element of social interaction...
So I can do little more than avoid it or just give it a go and try to bore the other person to death with my life.

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