Why should I exactly be aware of your cause?
Whether it's animals getting tortured, Islam spreading across Europe or whatever else some fanatics are banging on about...
Whether it's animals getting tortured, Islam spreading across Europe or whatever else some fanatics are banging on about...
What does my awareness help the cause with?
I can't help those causes much. I'm an omnivorous human. I am designed for eating meat. I'll eat whatever I can find and enjoy. Even if I choose not to support such things, they won't stop. As long as humans exist, so too will evil deeds of egoism. I can choose not to do such things myself.
Egoism is stubborn. You can't stump it out.
By the way, bleating on about it will only take you so far. Actions, not words.
As for Islam... Well, yeah, even if it's true they're flowing in: So? I am not in a position where I can stop this at all. A mere stick against a flood.
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